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Latest Accenture Placement Papers 2014 - Fully Solved - Part 1

Latest Accenture Placement Papers 2014 - Fully Solved - Part 1

1. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23 seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:

    A.1:2        B.3:2        C.3:4        D.none of these

    Answer: B


    Let the speeds of the two trains be x m/sec and y m/sec respectively. Then, length of the first train = 27x metres, and length of the second train = 17y metres. 27X+17Y+23 27X+17 Y=23X+23Y 4X=6Y X/Y=3/2

2. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent.

    A.66 2/3        B.100        C.105 1/3        D.120

    Answer: B


    Let C.P. be Rs. x and S.P. be Rs. y. Then 3(y-x)=(2y-x)=y+2x profit=Rs(y-x)=Rs(2x-x)=Rs x profit%=(x/x *100)%=100%

3. The present ages of three persons in proportions 4 : 7 : 9. Nine years ago, the sum of their ages was 53. Find their present ages (in years).

    A.8, 20, 28        B.16, 28, 36        C.20, 35, 45        D.None of these

    Answer: B


    Let their present ages be 4x, 7x and 9x years respectively. Then, (4x - 8) + (7x - 8) + (9x - 8) = 56 20x = 80x = 4.
    Their present ages are 4x = 16 years, 7x = 28 years and 9x = 36 years respectively.

4. If a light flashes every 9 seconds, how many times will it flash in ¾ of an hour?

    A.300        B.301        C.250        D.401

    Answer: B


    There are 60 minutes in an hour. In ¾ of an hour there are (60 * ¾) minutes = 45 minutes. In ¾ of an hour there are (60 * 45) seconds = 2700 seconds.
    Light flashed for every 6 seconds. In 2700 seconds 2700/9 = 300 times. The count start after the first flash, the light will flashes 301 times in ¾ of an hour.

5. A square garden has fourteen posts along each side at equal interval. Find how many posts are there in all four sides:
    A.56        B.52        C.44        D.60

    Answer: B


    Reqd no. of posts = 4 (at the corners) + 4 × 12 (in between on the sides) = 4 + 48 = 52

6. Average age of students of an adult school is 40 years. 120 new students whose average age is 32 years joined the school.
   As a result the average age is decreased by 4 years.Find the number of students of the school after joining of the new students:

    A.1200        B.120        C.360        D.240

    Answer: D


    Let the original no. of students be x A.T.S. 40x + 120 × 32 = (x + 120)36 ⇒ x = 120 ∴ Required no. of students after joining the new students = x + 120 = 240

7. When Rs 250 added to 1/4th of a given amount of money makes it smaller than 1/3rd of the given amount of money by Rs 100. What is the given amount of money?

    A.350        B.600        C.4200        D.3600

    Answer:  C


    Let the given amount be Rs x A.T.S. x/3-(x/4 + 250) = 100⇒ x = Rs 4200

8. Find the least number of candidates in an examinationso that the percentage of successful candidates should be 76.8%:

    A.500        B.250        C.125        D.1000

    Answer: C


    No. of successful candidates = 76.8% of x x = total students =( × =768/10* 100*x)96/125x Which must be a whole no. ∴The reqd least no. = 125

9. The number of times a bucket of capacity 4 litres tobe used to fill up a tank is less than the number of times another bucket of capacity 3 litres used for the same purpose by 4. What is the capacity of the tank?

    A.360        B.256        C.48        D.525

    Answer: C


    x/4-x/3 = 4⇒ x = 48 l

10. The ratio of ages of two persons is 4 : 7 and one is 30years older than the other. Find the sum of their ages

    A.210        B.110        C.90        D.140

    Answer: B


    x/x +30= 4/7 or x=40 Sum of ages = x + x + 30 = 110

11. It was vacation time, and so I decided to visit my cousin's home. What a grand time we had! In the mornings, we both would go for a jog.
    The evenings were spent on the tennis court. Tiring as these activities were, we could manage only one per day, i.e., either we went for a jog or played tennis each day.
    There were days when we felt lazy and stayed home all day long. Now, there were 12 mornings when we did nothing, 18 evenings when we stayed at home,
    and a total of 14 days when we jogged or played tennis. For how many days did I stay at my cousin's place?

    A.21            B.24            C.22            D.20

    Answer: C


    Use sets and venn diagram to solve such questions.a,b ,aub,anb etc. 12=tennis+leave 18=jog+leave so jog-tennis=6 again jog+tennis=14.so solve and get jog=10,leave=8,tennis=4.so tot=22

12. If MADRAS is coded as NBESBT. How is BOMBAY coded in that code?

    A.CPNCPX        B.CPNCBZ        C.CPOCBZ        D.CQOCBZ

    Answer: B


    Now you can see that in the above example each letter in the word MADRAS is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code.
    M is coded as N, A is coded as B and so on. M A D R A S N B E S B T So code for B O M B A Y is C P N C B Z Likewise code may be moved one step backward also.

13. If T A P is coded as S Z O Then code: F R E E Z E

    A.D R B B Y Z        B.E Q D D Y D        C.E Z E E R Z        D.O Q E B B S


    Explanation:  B

    letters may be moved alternately one step forward & one step backward or vice - versa. Order of letters may be reversed.

14. Statements: All the poets are goats. Some goats are trees. 1. Some poets are trees. 2. Some trees are goats.

    A.Only (1) conclusion follows        B.Only (2) conclusion follows        C.Either (1) or (2) follows    D.Neither (1) nor (2) follows

    Answer: D

15. Statements: Some mangoes are yellow. Tixo is a mango. Conclusions: 1. Some mangoes are green. 2. Tixo is a yellow.

    A.Only (1) conclusion follows        B.Only (2) conclusion follows        C.Either (1) or (2) follows    D.Neither (1) nor (2) follows

    Answer: D

16. Statements: Some ants are parrots. All the parrots are apples. Conclusions: 1. All the apples are parrots. 2. Some ants are apples.

    A.Only (1) conclusion follows        B.Only (2) conclusion follows        C.Either (1) or (2) follows    D.Neither (1) nor (2) follows

    Answer: B

17. A tennis marker is trying to put together a team of four players for a tennis tournament out of seven available. males - a, b and c; females — m, n, o and p .
    All players are of equal ability and there must be at least two males in the team. For a team of four, all players must be able to play with each other under the following restrictions:
    b should not play with m, c should not play with p, and a should not play with o. Which of the following statements must be false?
    1. b and p cannot be selected together 2. c and o cannot be selected together 3. c and n cannot be selected together.

    A.1            B.3            C.2        D.none of the above

    Answer: B


    Since inclusion of any male player will reject a female from the team. Since there should be four member in the team and only three males are available, the girl,
    n should included in the team always irrespective of others selection.

18. Five farmers have 7, 9, 11, 13 & 14 apple trees, respectively in their orchards. Last year, each of them discovered that every tree in their own orchard bore exactly the same number of apples.Further, if the third farmer gives one apple to the first, and the fifth gives three to each of the second and the fourth, they would all have exactly the same number of apples. 

What were the yields per tree in the orchards of the third and fourth farmers?

    A.12,10            B.11,9            C.13,12            D.6,14

    Answer: B


    Let a, b, c, d & e be the total number of apples bored per year in A, B, C, D & E ‘s orchard. Given that a + 1 = b + 3 = c – 1 = d + 3 = e – 6
    But the question is to find the number of apples bored per tree in C and D ‘s orchard. If is enough to consider c – 1 = d + 3. Since the number of trees in C’s orchard is 11 and that of D’s orchard is 13.
     Let x and y be the number of apples bored per tree in C & d ‘s orchard respectively. Therefore 11 x – 1 = 13 y + 3 By trial and error method, we get the value for x and y as 11 and 9

19. Five boys were climbing a hill. J was following H. R was just ahead of G. K was between G & H. They were climbing up in a column. Who was the second?

    A.K        B.H        C.G        D.J

    Answer: C


    The order in which they are climbing is R – G – K – H – J

20. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 women complete it?

    A.35        B.40        C.45        D.50

    Answer: B


    Let 1 man's 1 day's work = x and 1 woman's 1 day's work = y. Then, 4x+6y=1/8 and 3x+7y=1/10 Solving the two equations,
    we get:x=11/400, y=1/400 1 women's 1 days work=1/400. 1 0 womens 1 days work=(1/400*10)=1/40. Hence ,10 women will complete the work in 40 days

21. The greatest two digit number whose square root is an integer is:

    A.99        B.89        C.120        D.81

    Answer: D


    81 =9square

22. Danielle has been visiting friends in Ridge-wood for the past two weeks. She is leaving tomorrow morning and her flight is very early.
     Most of her friends live fairly close to the airport. Madison lives ten miles away. Frances lives five miles away, Samantha, seven miles.
     Alexis is farther away than Frances, but closer than Samantha. Approximately how far away from the airport is Alexis?

    A.nine miles        B.seven miles        C.eight miles        D.six miles

    Answer: D


    Alexis is farther away than Frances, who is five miles away, and closer than Samantha, who is seven miles away

23. A man walks at 4 km/hr on plain, then at 3 km/hr uphill and then returns through the same road at 6 km/hr downhill and at 4 km/hr on the plain. It takes altogether 6 hours. So what distance he covered in one way?

    A.24            B.18            C.12        D.10

    Answer: C


    Let plain road = x km And hill road = y km ? x/4 + y/3 + y/6 + x/4 = 6 ? x/2 + y/2 = 6 ? x + y =12

24. The distance between Station Atena and Station Barcena is 78 miles. A train starts from Atena towards Barcena. A bird starts at the same time from Barcena straight towards the moving train.
      On reaching the train, it instantaneously turns back and returns to Barcena. The bird makes these journeys from Barcena to the train and back to Barcena continuously till the train reaches Barcena.
     The bird finally returns to Barcena and rests. Calculate the total distance in miles the bird travels in the following two cases: 1.the bird flies at 70 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 60 miles per hour 2.
     the bird flies at 60 miles per hour and the speed of the train is 70 miles per hour

    A.91, 72        B.140,55            C.135,50            D.140,70

    Answer: A


    Case 1: The train (at a speed of 60 miles per hour) travels 60 miles in 60 minutes. Therefore, the train travels from Atena to Barcena (78 miles) in 78 minutes.
             Importantly, the bird makes the journeys continuously back and forth for this same amount of time (namely, 78 minutes). Thus, the total distance traveled by the bird = 70 miles per hour × 78 minutes = 70 × 78 / 60 miles = 91 miles.
             Case 2: In 36 minutes, the bird travels 36 miles, the train travels 42 miles, and the two meet. Now, the train (which is traveling at a speed greater than that of the bird) will reach Barcena before the bird.
    So, the bird simply returns to Barcena (a return journey of 36 miles). Thus, the total distance traveled by the bird is 72 miles.

25. Susan can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Mary can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?

    A.15        B.20        C.25        D.75

    Answer: D


    30/5=6; 6*10=60; Susan will type 60 pages in 30 min. 30/10=3; 5*3=15; Mary will type 15 pages in 30 min. 60+15=75

26. Consider the following series: 3, 4, 6, 9, 13, ____ What comes next?

    A.15        B.16        C.17        D.18

    Answer: D


    D (3+1=4; 4+2=6; 6+3=9; 9+4=13; 13+5=18)

27. Which one of the following is not a prime number?

    A.31        B.61        C.71        D.91

    Answer: D


    91 is divisible by 7. So, it is not a prime number

28. How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ? 264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336

    A.4        B.5        C.6        D.7

    Answer: A


    132 = 4 x 3 x 11 So, if the number divisible by all the three number 4, 3 and 11, then the number is divisible by 132 also.
    The following are the numbers divisible by 132 : 264, 396, 792 and 6336. Required number of number = 4.

29. The largest 4 digit number exactly divisible by 88 is:

    A.9944        B.9768        C.9988        D.8888

    Answer: A


    Largest 4-digit number = 9999 88) 9999 (113 88 ---- 119 88 ---- 319 264   ---    55 --- Required number = (9999 - 55) = 9944.

30. The sum of first five prime numbers is:

    A.11        B.18        C.26        D.28

    Answer: B

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