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Latest Ericsson Placement Paper Solved with Answers- Part 2

Dear Users, Here is another latest placement paper of Ericsson company which is fully solved with answers. Practice this paper before attending any Ericsson written test or exam. It will definitely help you in clearing the 1st round of interview process i.e. Written Test. All the best...!!!

Latest Ericsson Placement Paper - Part 2:

1. The minimum number of bits required to store the hexadecimal number FF is

A.4 B.8 C.16 D.32

Answer: C

2. A 32-bit processor has

A.32 registers B.32 I/O devices C.32 Mb of RAM D.a 32-bit bus or 32-bit registers

Answer: D

3. A one-bit signal that indicates the start of data transmission by an asynchronous device is

A.Parity bit B.Status bit C.Zero bit D.Start bit

Answer: D

4. Information is stored and transmitted inside a computer in

A.binary form         B.ASCII code form C.decimal form D.alphanumeric form

Answer: A

5. A parity bit is

A.used to indicate uppercase letters B.used to detect errors C.is the first bit in a byte D.is the last bit in a byte

Answer: B

6. Conversion of binary number 1010101000010111 to hexadecimal number is

A.D8F9 B.A8B9 C.AA17 D.D9F8

Answer: C

7. Which is an electronic device that can store temporarily a single bit of data.

A.Accumulator B.Buffer               C.Memory D.Latch

Answer: D

8. Piggy backing is a technique for

A.Flow control B.sequence  C.Acknowledgement D.retransmition

Answer: C

9. Which network is a packet switching network?

A.Ring network B.LAN C.Star network D.EuroNET

Answer: D

10. Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?

A.Memory address register B.Memory data register 
        C.Instruction register  D.Program counter

Answer: D

11. Choose the correct preposition. The officer charged Mr Smith _____ blackmail.

A.with B.about C.from D.for

Answer: A

12. I'm concerned _____ your grades.
A.with B.about C.from D.against

Answer: D

14. Tom congratulated Lisa _

A.with B.about C.from D.for

Answer: B

13. We insured our house _____ storm damage. ____ getting her diploma

A.with B.about C.from D.on

15. Congress earmarked $6 million _____ safety improvements.

A.with B.about C.from D.for

Answer: D

16. Johnson was convicted _____ armed robbery.

A.on B.in C.at D.of

Answer: D

17. Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. The general recognition of this fact is shown in the proverbial phrase,' It is the busiest man who has time to spare'. Thus, an elderly lady at leisure can spend the entire day writing a postcard to her niece. An hour will be spent in writing a postcard ,another hunting for spectacles, half an hour to search for the address , an hourand a quarter in compositionand twenty minutes in deciding whether or not to take an umbrella when going to the pillar box in the street. The total effort that could occupy a busy man for three minutes, all told may in thisfashion leave another person completely exhausted after a day of doubt ,anxiety and toil. What happens when the time to be spent on some work increases?

A.the work is done smoothly. B.the work is done leisurely.        C.work consumes all the time.      D.The work needs additional time.

Answer: C

18. What is the total time spent by the elderly lady in writing a postcard?

A.Three minutes. B.four hours and five minutes C.half day D.the entire day.

Answer: D

19. Who is the person likely to take more time to do work.:

A.a busy man. B.a man of leisure. C.an elderly person. D.an exhausted person.

Answer: B

20. Explain the sentence : work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion’.

A.The more work there is to be done , the more time needed.
B.whatever time is available for a given amount of work, all of it will be used.
C.If you have more time you can do some work.
D.If you have some important work to do , you should always have some additional time

Answer: B

21. Clock speed is measured in

A.bits per second B.baud C.bytes D.Hertz

Answer: D

22. Which of the following is the 1's complement of 10?

A.01 B.110 C.11 D.10

Answer: A

23. On-chip cache has

A.lower access time than RAM B.larger capacity than off chip cache        C.its own data bus                 D.become obsolete

Answer: A

24. A computer Program that translates one program instruction at a time into machine language is called a/an

A.Interpreter B.CPU C.Compiler D.Simulator

Answer: A

25. How many address lines are needed to address each machine location in a 2048 x 4 memory chip?

A.10 B.11 C.12 D.8

Answer: B

26. Which of the following involves context switch,

A.system call B.priviliged instruction C.floating poitnt exception D.all the above

Answer: A

27. Semaphore is used for

A.synchronization B.dead-lock avoidence C.box D.None

Answer: A

28. A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as

A.Pulse code modulation         B.Pulse stretcher                           
        C.Query processing D.Queue management

Answer: A

29. A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is

A.Memory B.Buffer C.Accumulator D.Address

Answer: B

30. The minimum number of MOS transistors required to make a dynamic RAM cell is

A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4

Answer: A

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