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Latest Capgemini Placement Paper Solved with Answers

Dear Users, Here is another latest placement paper of Capgemini company which is fully solved with answers. Practice this paper before attending any Capgemini written test or exam. It will definitely help you in clearing the 1st round of interview process i.e. Written Test. All the best...!!!

Latest Capgemini Placement Paper 2014:

1. Find the next term in series? 25  16  9  4  1  0

A. -1 B.1 C.0 D.none

Answer: B


5 ^ 2, 4 ^ 2, 3 ^ 2, 2 ^ 2, 1^ 2, 0 ^ 2, (-1) ^2 = 1.

2. 123456147, 12345614, 2345614, 234561, (.....)

A.3456 B.2345 C.23456 D.34561

Answer: D


The digits are removed one by one from the end as well as from the beginning in order so as to obtain the next term of the series.

3. 45 grinders brought at Rs. 2215/-.transpot expense Rs 2190/-.2760/- on octroi. Find selling price/piece to make profit of 20%?

A.2585 B.2225 C.2790 D.3325

Answer: C


Grider price\piece = 2215 Transport exp\piece= (2190+2760)/45 = 110           Total acquiring price of grinder\piece = 2215+110 = 2325
  20% profit on C = (2325 * 20)/100 = 465 Selling price C+D = 2790

4. The last digit of (2004) ^5 is

A.4 B.8 C.6 D.2

Answer: A

As 2004 = 2000 + 4, the last digits of (2004) ^5 and 4^5 are equal. i.e. 4^5 = 1024 so unit digit is 4.

5. In a 2 digit number unit's place is halved and ten's place is doubled. Difference between the numbers is 37.Digit in unit's place is 2 more than ten's place.
Find the number?

A.24 B.46 C.42 D.NONE

Answer: B


Let the ten's digit be x then unit digit= x+2 Number = 10x+(x+2) = 11x+2 -------- (1) The number obtained by doubling digit in ten's place 
& by reducing unit's place digit to half the original value = 2(10x) + (x+2)/2 -------- (2) Difference between the numbers (1) - (2) = 37. 
By solving equation X= 4 Therefore number 11* 4 + 2= 46.

6. If x - y + z = 19, y + z =20, x - z = 3, find the value of x + 4y - 5z ?

A.22 B.38 C.17 D.none

Answer: D


X - y + z = 19.......Eqn 1 y + z = 20............Eqn 2 x - z = 3...............Eqn 3 Adding Eqn 1 and Eqn 2 gives
x - y + z + y + z = x + 2z = 19 + 20 = 39 Subtracting Eqn 3 from the above gives x + 2z -(x - z) = 3z = 39 - 3 = 36............z = 12 From Eqn 2,y + 12 = 20 ......................y = 8 From Eqn 1, x - 8 + 12 = x + 4 = 19....x = 15 Then, x + 4y - 5z = 15 + (4x8) - (5x12) = 15 + 32 - 60 = -13

7. A is 4 yrs old and B is thrice A. when A is 12 yrs, how old will B be ?

A.16 B.20 C.24 D.28

Answer: B


A= 4 years B = 3 times A= 12 years A will be 12 after 8 years when A will be 12 years B will be 12 + 8 = 20 years

8. A motorboat whose speed is 15 kmph in still water goes 30 kmph downstream and comes back in a total of 4hrs 30min.Find the speed of the stream in kmph ?

A.4 B.5 C.24 D.10

Answer: B

Let the speed of the stream be x km/hr. Then, Speed downstream = (15 + x) km/hr, Speed upstream = (15 - x) km/hr. 
Therefore 30 / (15 + x) + 30 / (15 - x) = 4(1/2) 900/ (225 - x^ 2) = 9/2 9x2 = 225 x2 = 25 x = 5 km/hr.

9. A garrison had provision for a certain number of days. After 10 days, 1/5 of the men desert and it is found that the provisions will now last just as long as
    before. How long was that ?

A.15 B.25 C.35 D.50

Answer: D

Let initially there be X men having food for Y days. After 10 days X men had food for Y-10 days. Also X - X/5 = 4/5X had food for Y days.
Apply chain rule X(Y-10) = (4/5) X *Y (X*Y) - 10 X=[4(X*Y)/5] 5(X*Y) - 4(X*Y)=50X X*Y = 50XY = 50

10. Find the equation whose roots are 9 and 5 ?

A. x2 + 14x + 45 = 0     B. x2 + 14x + 49 = 0 

        C. x2 + 10x + 45 = 0     D.NONE



Finding the roots of given equations x2 - 14x + 45 = 0 x2 - 9 x - 5 x + 45 = 0 (x - 5) (x - 9) = 0

11. Find the next term in series - Y W U S Q O M ?


Answer: D


Correct ans should be K.

12. In a triangle ABC, the lengths of the sides AB and AC equal 17.5 cm and 9 cm respectively. Let D be a point on the line segment BC such that AD 
      is perpendicular to BC. If AD = 3 cm, then what is the radius (in cm) of the circle circumscribing the triangle ABC?

A.17.05 B.27.85 C.22.45 D.26.25

Answer: D

13. Train A starts from Meerut at 12:00 pm & reach at Delhi on 2:30 pm & train B starts from Delhi at 12:15pm and reach at Meerut on 2:15pm. So, when both trains crosses each other ?

A. 1.00PM B. 1.15PM C. 1.30PM D.NONE

Answer: B


Let the distance between Meerut & Delhi be x kms & let trains meet y hours after 12.15pm Speed of A= x/150 kms/min.
  speed of B = x/120 kms / min. Distance covered by A in (y+15) min+distance covered by B in y hours=x (x/150)* (y+15) + (x/120) * y = x Equating 
the equations Y=60 Hence trains meet at 1.15 pm.

14. In election a candidate who gets 42% of votes, is lost by 112 votes. What is the total number of votes polled?

A.650 B.680 C.710 D.700

Answer: D


Let the total number of votes polled be x, then votes polled by other candidate = (100-42)% of x = 58% of x Therefore 58% of x- 42% of x = 112 X= 700.

15. A boat covers 2 kms distance downstream in 1/2 hour. while it comes back in 1 hour. Then the velocity of the current is

A.1 km/hr B.2 km/hr C.1.15 km/hr D.3 km/hr

Answer: A

Rate down stream = (2/0.5) kmph Rate upstream = (2/1) kmph Therefore velocity of current = ½ (4-2) = 1kmph.

16. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was:

A.2000 B.10000 C.15000 D.20000

Answer: C

Principal = Rs. (100 x 5400) / (12 x 3)= Rs. 15000.

17. A man traveled a certain distance at the rate of 15 miles/hour and came back at the rate of 10 miles/hour. What is his average speed ?

       A.10 miles/hour             B.15 miles/hour  

      C.17 miles/hour              D.12 miles/hour

Answer : D

Average speed = (2* 15* 10) / 25 = 300/25 12 miles/ hour.

18. The addition of 2 number difference of 2 number is a perfect square & the difference of both perfect square also a perfect square. Then find out this number ?

A.2,4 B.4,4 C.6,9 D.6,2

Answer: D


By checking the given options =>6, 2 =>6 + 2 = 8, 6 - 2 = 4 and 8 - 4 = 4

19. The sum of 3rd and 15th elements of an arithmetic progression is equal to the sum of 6th, 11th and 13th elements of the same progression. 
     Then which element of the series should necessarily be equal to zero ?

A.1st B.9th C.12th D.NONE

Answer: C

lets the first term of ap is a and difference is d then third term will be =a+2d 15th will be=a+14d 6th will be =a+5d 11th will be =a+10d 13th will be=a+12d then
the equation will be as a+2d+a+14d = a+5d+a+10d+a+12d 2a+16d = 3a+27d a+11d=0 simply we can understand a+11d will be the 12th term of arithmetic progression so the correct answer is 12

20. X + Y = 6, then XY = ?

A.36 B.8 C.3 D.30

Answer: B

Lets us consider x = 4, y = 2 x + y = 4 + 2 = 6 xy = 4*2 = 8

21. There are three coins of Re1, 50 ps, 25 ps having ratio of 13:11:3. The total sums of money are 77, and then find out how much Re. 1 coin is there ?

A.22 B.52 C.27 D.NONE

Answer: B

Let number if coins of each denomination be x. Then as they are in ratio of 13:11:3 Then (13/27)x + (11/27)(1/2)x + (3/27)(1/4)x = 77 Taking L.C.M.
& equating LHS & RHS gives x = 108 Number of 1 rupee coins = (13/27)*108 = 52.

22. Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years later, one member died at the age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was born during the same year. 
    The current average age of this eight member joint family is nearest to:

A.23years     B.22years    C.21years D.24years

Answer: D


The sum of the ages of the members of the family ten years ago = 231. The sum of the ages of the members of the family seven years ago = 231 +(3 × 8) - 60 =195.
The sum of the ages of the members of the family four years ago = 195 + (3 × 8) - 60 = 159 ∴ The sum of the ages of the members of the family 
now = 159 + (4 × 8) = 191 
 ∴ Required average = 191/8 = 23.875 ≈ 24.

23. A test has 50 questions. A student scores 1 mark for a correct answer, -1/3 for a wrong answer, and -1/6 for not attempting a question. 
     If the net score of a student is 32, the number of questions answered wrongly by that student cannot be less than ?

A.3 B.6 C.12 D.9

Answer: A

Let the number of correct answers be 'x', number of wrong answers be 'y' and number of questions not attempted be 'z'. 
Thus, x + y + z = 50 ... (i) And x - y/3 - z/6 = 32 The second equation can be written as, 6x - 2y - z = 192 ... (ii) Adding the two equations we get,
7x - y = 242 or x = (242 + y)/7 Since, x and y are both integers, y cannot be 1 or 2. The minimum value that y can have is 3.

24. How many even integers n, where 100

A.40 B.37 C.38 D.39

Answer: D


There are 101 integers in all, of which 51 are even. From 100 to 200, there are 14 multiples of 7, of which 7 are even. 
There are 11 multiples of 9, of which 6 are even. But there is one integer (i.e. 126) that is a multiple of both 7 and 9 and also even. 
Hence the answer is (51 - 7 - 6 + 1) = 39

25. DIRECTIONS for Questions 25 and 26: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. The Head of a newly formed government desires to appoint five of the six elected members A, B, C, D, E and F to portfolios of Home, Power, Defense, Telecom and Finance. 
 F does not want any portfolio if D gets one of the five. C wants either Home or Finance or no portfolio. B says that if D gets either Power or 
Telecom then she must get the other one. E insists on a portfolio if A gets one. Which is a valid assignment ?

A. A-Home, B-Power, C-Defense, D-Telecom, E-Finance.
B. C-Home, D-Power, A-Defense, B-Telecom, E-Finance
C. A-Home, B-Power, E-Defense, D-Telecom, F-Finance.
D. B-Home, F-Power, E-Defense, C-Telecom, A -Finance

Answer: B


From the above information we can note that => If D gets any then F does not want any .So, option C invalid. => C wants in either

26. If A gets Home and C gets Finance, then which is NOT a valid assignment for Defense and Telecom ?

A. D-Defense, B-Telecom. B. F-Defense, B-Telecom 
       C. B-Defense, E-Telecom. D. B-Defense, D-Telecom.

Answer: D


As B says that if D gets either Power or Telecom then she must get the other one option D is invalid.
in Home or Finance. Therefore option A and D invalid => So, option B answer.

27. DIRECTIONS for Questions 27 to 28: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Rang Barsey Paint Company (RBPC) is in the business of manufacturing paints. RBPC buys RED, YELLOW, WHITE, ORANGE, and PINK paints. ORANGE paint can be also produced by mixing RED and YELLOW paints in equal proportions. Similarly, PINK paint can also be produced by mixing equal amounts of RED and WHITE paints. Among other paints, RBPC sells CREAM paint, (formed by mixing WHITE and YELLOW in the ratio 70:30) AVOCADO paint (formed by mixing equal amounts of ORANGE and PINK paint) and WASHEDORANGE paint (formed by mixing equal amounts of ORANGE and WHITE paint). The following table provides the price at which RBPC buys paints. Color Rs. /liter RED 20 YELLOW 25 WHITE 15 ORANGE 22 PINK18 WASHEDORANGE can be manufactured by mixing .......

A. CREAM and RED in the ratio 14:10
B. CREAM and RED in the ratio 3:1
C. YELLOW and PINK in the ratio 1:1
D. RED, YELLOW, and WHITE in the ratio 1:1:2

Answer: D


Mixing equal amounts of ORANGE and WHITE can make WASHED ORANGE; ORANGE can be made by mixing equal amounts of RED and YELLOW. 
So the ratio of RED, YELLOW and WHITE is 1:1:2

28. Assume that AVOCADO, CREAM, and WASHEDORANGE each sell for the same.....

A. AVOCADO. B.CREAM. C.WASHEDORANGE D.Sufficient data is not available.

Answer: B


If cost of AVOCADO paint is Rs.19.75 The cost of the CREAM is [(7 x 15) + (3 x 75)]/10 = Rs. 18 And cost of WASHEDORANGE is Rs.18.50 So CREAM 
is the most profitable.

29. DIRECTIONS for Questions 29 to 30: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. A, B, C, D, E, and F are a group of friends.There are two housewives, one professor, one engineer, one accountant and one lawyer in the group. There are only two married couples in the group.The lawyer is married to D, who is a housewife. No woman in the group is either an engineer or an accountant. C the accountant is married to F, who is a professor. A is married to a housewife. E is not a housewife. Which of the following is one of the married couples ?


Answer: D


One couple is C and F, here C is male and F is female. Now there can be only one more couple. A is married to a housewife, and D is housewife.
So the other couple is A (lawyer) & D.

30. What is E's profession ?

A.Engineer B.Lawyer C.Professor D.Accountant

Answer: A

A is Lawyer, D is house wife, C is Accountant, and F is Professor. B is housewife (since E is not a housewife.) then E is Engineer. 1. Find the next term in series? 25  16  9  4  1  0

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